Meet the Board Members




Rändi Moore - Chair - Ms. Moore was appointed to the Colorado State Board of Parole by Governor Polis in 2022 and promoted to Vice Chair in July 2023. She has a background in criminal justice and has 26 years of experience working in the field of Probation. Ms. Moore held many positions within the probation department. She has experience supervising many types of offenders and was a probation supervisor for 12 years. While a supervisor in the 18th Judicial District she supervised a variety of teams, including intensive supervision, presentence investigations, victim services, and a community corrections liaison. For the past 5 years, Ms. Moore was a member of the Arapahoe County Community Corrections Board as a member, vice chair, and chair of the Board. While a member of the board she collaborated on the implementation of a decision-making tool for cases transitioning out of the Department of Corrections into the community or a halfway house. Ms. Moore was instrumental in developing and training a leadership course within the 18th Judicial District. Ms. Moore earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from Colorado State University. 





Stephen Holmes


Stephen Holmes - Vice Chair - Mr. Holmes was appointed to the Colorado State Board of Parole by Governor Polis in 2022.  He began his law enforcement and corrections career after graduating from the law enforcement academy in 1995. After working for a small town and as a reserve deputy in rural Colorado he started his career with the CDOC (Colorado Department of Corrections). Mr. Holmes has been involved with multiple positions within CDOC as a correctional officer, parole officer, COPD (Code of Penal Discipline) administrative hearings officer, interstate compact unit, field training officer, basic and advanced training instructor, use of force programs training coordinator, and parole supervisor. Mr. Holmes has also been involved with many committees and panels during his career, including the SWPOST (Southwest Peace Officers Standards and Training) committee, community corrections, criminal justice panel, south area commanders meeting, security technology committee, alternative sentencing programs network, GRAACE (Gender, Race, Ability, Awareness, Culture, Equity)Alliance, and the GRAACE training subcommittee.




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Joe Morales - Mr. Morales, a career law enforcement professional, was appointed to the Colorado State Board of Parole by Governor Hickenlooper in 2013 to serve a three-year term on the Board of Parole. On September 17, 2015, Mr. Morales was then appointed to serve as the Chairperson for the Board of Parole. Mr. Morales served in the Summit County Sheriff's Office for 24 years, and 12 years as the three-term elected Sheriff of Summit County. In 2003, at the end of his third term as sheriff, he was appointed by Governor Bill Owens to serve as the Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Public Safety and as his Homeland Security Advisor (HAS). Mr. Morales was then recruited by DoS to serve in Afghanistan for the next three years as an Executive Mentor in Kabul at the Ministry of Interior for Security. Mr. Morales was also a mentor in the Regional Command West in western Afghanistan. The next two and one-half years in Amman Jordan as a Tactical Operations Team Advisor assisting to develop National Security Forces in the region, which was a joint DoD/DoS project. Mr. Morales was elected in 1999 as president of the County Sheriffs of Colorado, was appointed in 1999 to the Colorado POST Board by Governor Owens, and served with AG Ken Salazar and AG John Suthers on the POST Board from 1999 to 2007. Mr. Morales graduated from the FBI LEED Academy, Kennedy School of Government, numerous law enforcement and leadership training programs, and has over 28 years of law enforcement service. Mr. Morales serves as a former law enforcement officer on the Board.



Greg Saiz


Greg Saiz - Mr. Saiz was appointed to the Colorado State Board of Parole by Governor Polis in 2022. Greg previously worked for the Colorado Department of Corrections, during which time he held several positions, Community Parole Officer, Parole Team Leader, Specialized Trainer, and Training Coordinator. In addition to the positions held, Greg also served as a use-of-force instructor, a field training officer, a certified facilitator of numerous cognitive-behavioral programs for clients, trained staff on the proper use of supervision practice models, and co-developed a gender-responsive parole caseload. Greg later served as a United States Probation Officer, during which time he provided supervision and support services to juvenile and adult Federal Court clients residing on the Southern Ute and Ute Mountain Ute tribal lands in southwest Colorado. Additionally, Greg has worked as an Implementation Specialist with the Evidence-Based Practices Implementation for Capacity (EPIC) office within the Division of Criminal Justice. As an Implementation Specialist Greg assisted agencies serving justice-involved clients to implement evidence-based and evidence-informed practices. He is also trained in LEAN approaches to continuous process improvement and has led numerous process improvement efforts. Greg has worked extensively on improving outcomes in the criminal justice system and will continue to promote the use of evidence-based programs and data-driven decision models to promote systemic equity and enhance public safety.





Catherine Rodriguez - Ms. Rodriguez is a Colorado native who has over two decades of experience in the criminal justice field. She started her career in a juvenile detention facility providing counseling after graduating with a Bachelor’s degree from Metropolitan State University of Denver with a degree in Psychology. She was a probation officer for ten years conducting investigations and working with various populations. Catherine has worked for elected officials in state and local government performing policy and regulatory work, specifically specializing in sex offender management, mental health, victim issues, and law enforcement. 






Courtney Williams -  Ms. Williams was appointed to the Colorado State Board of Parole by Governor Polis in 2024 to serve a three-year term on the Board of Parole. Courtney previously worked for the Colorado Department where she gained experience and expertise overseeing a variety of caseloads as both a Community Parole Officer and a Parole Team Leader while also serving as an accreditation coordinator, member of the policy review committee, field training officer, Motivational Interviewing Instructor, and liaison to 18th Judicial District’s Community Corrections Board. In 2014, Courtney was certified by the State as both a Lean Process Improvement Facilitator and Project Leader after completing the first, state-wide Kaizen event that streamlined the pre-release investigation process. In 2018, Courtney joined the Performance Management and Strategy Team at the Denver Sheriff's Department where she served as a senior analyst, supervisor, and director of the team using data analysis and process improvement tools to execute over 100 complex projects. She also developed and implemented a field training officer and formal mentorship program; served as a key representative on the agency’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity committee, and worked with the executive leadership team to shift the agency into the 4DX model for strategic planning. She currently serves as an Advisor for the Colorado University Leeds School of Business Customer Experience Program and applies her knowledge of enhancing the customer experience to improve service to the public, including the community in custody. Throughout her 18 years of public service in state and local government, Courtney has worked extensively on improving outcomes in the criminal justice system and will continue to promote the use of evidence-based programs and data-driven decision models to promote systemic equity and enhance community trust in public safety.



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Jeff Dick - was appointed to the Colorado Parole Board by Governor Jared Polis in 2024. For the previous 17 years, he was a Colorado Probation Officer and Supervisor, serving in both rural and metro districts. During his probation career, he supervised domestic violence, sex offender, Interstate Compact and regular adult caseloads. He specialized in Presentence Investigations and developed a PSI training curriculum for his district. Jeff was trained as a Motivational Interviewing practitioner and coach through Colorado’s EPIC program. He previously was a member of the Colorado Judicial Branch Personnel Rules Committee and Jefferson County Community Corrections Screening Board. He also served on his local planning commission and Child Protection Team and volunteered as a Youth Mentor.




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Ron Leonard - Governor Polis appointed Mr. Leonard to the Colorado State Board of Parole in 2024 to serve a three-year term as a law enforcement representative. He retired as a division chief after a distinguished 37-year career with the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, where he gained over 20 years of command experience across all divisions, offering a comprehensive understanding of public safety. Mr. Leonard is recognized for his commitment to transparency, community-focused initiatives, and innovative problem-solving. He has built trust with civic leaders, enhanced community safety, and spearheaded evidence-based programs and data-driven reforms. As an assessor for the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, he evaluated public safety practices nationwide and championed the adoption of an international standards prohibiting biased policing. He also served as a trained auditor for the American Correctional Association, assisting local agencies in improving their policies and practices. Mr. Leonard holds a Bachelor of Science from Metropolitan State University of Denver, a Master of Public Safety from the University of Virginia, and is a graduate of premier public safety leadership programs—including the FBI National Academy, Senior Management Institute for Policing, and Leadership in Police Organizations.



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Rodrigo J. Luevano - He began his career in public safety with the Aurora Police Department as a Cold Case Researcher and as a Detention Officer with the Court Administration Division. He worked with a
diverse population completing inmate intakes, bookings, and sex offender registrations. He transitioned to the Denver Police Department working as a National Crime Information Agent, assisting with auto theft investigations and reviewing online crime reports. He then gained experience and expertise working with the City and County of Denver as a Probation Officer supervising domestic violence, DUI, child abuse, and animal cruelty adult caseloads. He completed presentence investigation reports for Denver County Court and eventually worked as a Sobriety Court Probation Officer working on a multidisciplinary team. In 2022 he became a Fidelity and Evaluation Specialist with the Colorado Division of Criminal Justice, Office of Community Corrections, working on a team conducting the Program Assessment for Correctional Excellence (PACE). This is an evaluation that is conducted in all Colorado Community Corrections programs in the State of Colorado. This role allowed him to evaluate how well programs are utilizing evidence-informed and evidence-based practices in the supervision of clients with the goal of reducing recidivism. A focus of evaluations was assessing a program's ability to conduct assessments to fidelity and use of motivational interviewing during client interactions. In addition, he assisted in facilitating an Unconscious Bias training for criminal justice professionals from various agencies throughout the state.